
MiddleChild Records

Who We Are

MiddleChild Records is a collective of creative individuals who utilize urban art to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Eyes to the Future (Our Vision):

MiddleChild Records vision is to create a community of creative artists and inspired listeners who glorify Jesus Christ in all that they do.

Why “MiddleChild”? Aren’t Middle Children Lonely?

We were once sinful, disobedient children who lived in rebellion against a holy and just God; but have been shown mercy and grace through the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. By belief in His death, burial, and resurrection, we are forgiven, justified, and adopted as SONS OF GOD. We are favoured because He has adopted us, and we are adopted because He has favoured us. (Eph 2:2-5, Rom 8:15, 1 John 3:1)

About the Squad

MiddleChild Records is a record label created by three middle children; Daniel Bailey, Philip Ofori-Darko and Anthony Sawyers. Brought together by their talents and skills, they remain united by their faith in God.

Established in 2017, MiddleChild Records is more than just a name… it’s an effusion of what God has always been doing in the lives of Anthony Sawyers, Philip Ofori-Darko, and Daniel Bailey. God has woven the unexpected and unplanned happenings together for a cause both greater than they could have imagined, and filled with purpose. From college bible studies, listening and supporting each other’s own independent music and art; Middlechild Records came to being in the basement of Anthony Sawyers with its name, mission, and vision that has fueled the music you now love to listen to.

Anthony always had the dream to use hip-hop music to share the gospel with others, seeking to guide and cultivate new talent. Phil loves to use wordplay to craft complex themes that encourage, and teach others how to approach life. And Daniel, is a foundation of support and guidance by the use and knowledge of his production and instrumental skills. Together, MCR continues to grow in quality and effectiveness, spreading a hope that they’ve known to be true.

It was the winter of 2016, on a boxing day shopping excursion with the gang, Anthony and Phil’s brother Daniel Ofori-Darko were fooling around by trying to make a record label name based on everything they laid their eyes on… “Crew-neck Records, Escalator Records, Outlet Records”. It came to a point where a T-Shirt that said “middle child”, was then thrown onto the master list of potential label names. As where most of the labels meetings and bible studies that were held in the basement of Anthony Sawyers, the team went down the list to what both sounded good and resonated with the three of them. The boys then realized that they were all middle children! And thus, MiddleChild Records was born. “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” – Ecclesiastes 4:12


Truth: We believe that the God of the bible created the universe; giving all things including human beings purpose, value, and worth. We believe that Jesus’ work on the cross is the only way to be free from our sins and to be reconciled to God. We create and proclaim music that is fueled by this truth.

Excellence: We believe that God has given us various gifts and talents to teach, encourage and correct others, as well as to glorify Him. Everything we then create and do is to be done to the best of our ability, with excellence for the highest quality possible.

Comrade: We believe that in and through Christ we are all children of God. Thus, being one body with many members. We are brothers and sisters in the Lord that have intentional, sacrificial and loving relationships with each other as we grow in our relationship with God.

Community: We believe that out of an outpour of God’s love for us, we then seek out and love others, both in the sharing the gospel in word, and with acts of mercy in deed. We desire all people who relate with us to also relate and have relationship with our God and Father as well.